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Membership in EASMC and MSEA has grown and changed. Leaders recognize it’s time to embrace more of the issues that affect public school employees.

EASMC and MSEA members are turning up the volume in every forum, at every opportunity, on every issue.

  • Can we improve the quality of public education? Yes!
  • Can we help members do their jobs better? Yes!
  • Are we committed to expanding the areas of our interest and influence? Yes!
  • Can we impact trends that threaten the delivery of public education (like unreasonable standards, privatization of schools, and/or services)? Yes!
  • Can we secure community respect and support for public education and the teachers and support personnel on the front lines? Yes!
  • Do we have the support and professional guidance we need to be successful advocates for quality public education? Yes!

Simply stated, MSEA statewide goals are to:

  • Improve the working conditions and professional status of the public education workforce.
  • Improve Maryland’s public schools by giving employees a stronger voice.
  • Provide job support and legal assistance.
  • Continue to improve the collective bargaining law in Maryland for all public school employees.
  • Provide support in collective bargaining and negotiations of local contracts for all members.
  • Lobby on pro-education issues at the state level.
  • Provide leadership training to local leaders and activists.
  • Educate members about important issues through electronic and print media.
  • Provide professional support to locals through staff and resources located at MSEA headquarters in Annapolis, and throughout the state.
  • Provide leadership training to local elected Association leaders and activists.

Click here to join!

Publications just for members

To keep you informed about the latest news affecting your profession, MSEA produces our award-winning ActionLine magazine and regular enewsletters.

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